unit 9
production role - rehearsal director I got assigned as a rehearsal director, a rehearsal director gets everybody together to basically run through everything so its perfect for the show. we were thinking of making posters or leaflets for the show to show people what is is about and so they would have a little understanding of the play before they have seen it. we want to make posters or a video for advertisement to put around the college so people will be interested and want to come to the show. The way that I got everyone to rehearse was we would all meet up after college and go into a room and run through everything I’m so glad we did that because I really did help, I looked into my role as Sam and Frankenstein 2 and when I was at home I would google search different ways I could play them and I would run it though with the other members of the class to see what they would prefer also drama. in the play where doing Frankenstein and what happens is Frankenstei...