unit 6 - text work

citizen is the play we are doing and its about a boy called tom who is growing up and trying to find out his sexuality, he has this dream and in this dream he doesn't know if his kissing a boy or girl, Amy's character is very vulnerable and fragile and I think she is secretly in love with tom because in the play it seems like she would do anything for him but when he says "I have this dream and in this dream I'm kissing someone and I cant tell if i'm kissing a man or a woman" as soon as Amy hears that I feel like she chooses not to say anything to him because he could be gay or bisexual. 

we got paired up to do scenes together, I got paired with mo and put in a group of 5 (me, mo, Megan, Michael and moss) the reason we got into groups is if someone doesn't turn up well have a replacement.


an objective is a goal and my characters objective in this play is to pierce tom's ear, playing an objective helps you as an actor because it gives you more of a role instead of just some words on paper, it gives you a meaning and a goal.

Amy is toms friend who just wants to pierce his ear but while she tries to do that I think she has a small crush on him but it gets crushed when she finds out his gay as he says " I don't know weather i am kissing a man or a woman"

me and Mo have been paired up together and I am Amy and he is tom, were doing scene 1 where the objective for tom is to get his ear pierced and make a move to Amy and Amy's objective is to pierce toms ear.
I've been analysing the script word for word and taking into account on how they would act as there are no descriptions about them just words,


for production we got assigned to create a 3D stage on a band, I picked all time low and the way we are creating them is using brown string for there hair and wooden men for there bodies and the background for there set is the dirty work album cover In red or blue.


on the 26th of February we performed our play "citizenship" and it a huge success, we ran through the play about four times before we performed it in front of the audience.

I took part in the filming and recording of this production, I was one of the customers that were in the restaurant and I had to ask for 3 meals but each time I would ask for one Michael who was playing the actor would say he didn't have that and I would get mad but on the 3rd time I slammed the menu on the chair and walked out.

I would say overall the performance went very well and the work and effort that was put into this production was outstanding, I learned that teamwork is very important because you always need a team by your side for the support and positivity.


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