week 3 unit 1 production and performing arts.

this week in our drama lessons we have been carrying on with our project 'identity' what we will perform with the students in level 2 performing arts acting in October in front of all the performing arts, music and media department, but before we start rehearsing our roles and putting all of our bits together for the performance we always warm up our voices with tongue twisters and voice exercises because its easier after we have done these warm-ups for us to sound a lot clearer and we are more awake.
also with one of the mouth exercises we do it helps release tension in our jaw so its not stiff.

for our identity project with rob we have been putting our two piece performances together and our family freeze frames to create the piece that were going to perform in October.

Me and Kieran are performing a two piece project based on a Christian girl (me) and a withdrawn from reality boy who is gay and is scared to come out to everyone. 

in production i got assigned finance manager and for finance manager you have to also work with the box office manager who gets everyones tickets for them and as the role of finance manager you need to sort out everyones pay and how much they get.


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