unit 9
production role - rehearsal director
I got assigned as a rehearsal director, a rehearsal director gets everybody together to basically run through everything so its perfect for the show.
we were thinking of making posters or leaflets for the show to show people what is is about and so they would have a little understanding of the play before they have seen it.
we want to make posters or a video for advertisement to put around the college so people will be interested and want to come to the show.
The way that I got everyone to rehearse was we would all meet up after college and go into a room and run through everything I’m so glad we did that because I really did help, I looked into my role as Sam and Frankenstein 2 and when I was at home I would google search different ways I could play them and I would run it though with the other members of the class to see what they would prefer also
I got assigned as a rehearsal director, a rehearsal director gets everybody together to basically run through everything so its perfect for the show.
we were thinking of making posters or leaflets for the show to show people what is is about and so they would have a little understanding of the play before they have seen it.
we want to make posters or a video for advertisement to put around the college so people will be interested and want to come to the show.
The way that I got everyone to rehearse was we would all meet up after college and go into a room and run through everything I’m so glad we did that because I really did help, I looked into my role as Sam and Frankenstein 2 and when I was at home I would google search different ways I could play them and I would run it though with the other members of the class to see what they would prefer also
in the play where doing Frankenstein and what happens is Frankenstein (the creator) has to make a project to create something and obviously Frankenstein creates the monster.
the play is on June 12th and we have rehearsed quite a lot but we still have a lot of improvements to make, were getting all the props together and were all just coming off script now.
we have been working on the play a lot recently and we have been working with mandy for the movement part of it, for the start we all walk on stage and form a circle around azaria (the narrator) and we walk in the circle going round and round and we start to whisper "frankenstein" and we get louder and louder until we are all very close to her and then she like pushes her arms out and that gives the idea that she is pushing us with a force and we all fall on the ground. the reason we thought of that is because that very first part is very interesting and we want to keep the audience intrested and so they are always on edge of what will happen next.
i feel like the challenges that we need to work on is keeping the energy up on rehearsals because it is very important and also i feel like i need to work on being in the moment a lot more and i have done and will continue to do research on my second character (frankenstein) because i want to be in full character performing for people.
(this is us in the first scene)
we have completed the frankenstein play and I feel like it went very well, the first show we did was for the students and some teachers in the college and we was getting graded on that performance.
The energy that we all had just before we went on stage was absolutely outstanding everyone was so prepared and ready to go and even after the first performance some parts went a little strange it was still good and the teamwork that was put into it was incredible. I think after the first show and we had a break to rest and prepare for the second show some of the things we changed to suite the audience because the first show was for students and the second show was for people who we invited and that was parents and some friends.
My skills have definitely improved since doing this play because I've been taught to expand my ideas and put myself into my role i got assigned (frankenstein the creator 2), I really wish i looked into some of the older movies more because i feel like i could of made myself a bit more creepy and more big as in how I'm saying the words and how I'm doing the movements especially talking i wish i would of been a lot more over dramatic like rob said because it is theatre.
when i played sam i just wore normal clothes but when i was playing frankenstein for the first two scenes that i was frankenstein i wore a lab coat and glasses because i was in a lab but in the prom scene i wore a dress to fit in.
I am very happy with how it went and everyones effort that went into it all the costumes and all the makeup that was put together all the hard work didn't go unnoticed and i know that everyone is so appreciative of everything I'm especially grateful for the hair and makeup team and especially the costume designs.
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